2014/12/17 09:43 [企業徵才]誠徵義語兼任教師

單 位: 義大利語文學系 
職 稱: 兼任教師
名 額: 1名 
學 歷: 碩士以上
收件截止日: 104.01.31郵戳為憑 
起聘年度: 104 學年第 1學期 

任教科目: 義大利文會話、義大利文閱讀與寫作。


  1. 應聘者應認同且配合天主教大學辦學精神,以及遵行天主教大學所規範之倫理原則。並應參與校方所提供身心靈的教育成長活動,積極融入有所體認與感動且傳遞此價值給學生,共同營造天主教大學的校園文化與精神。
  2. 具任一任教科領域碩士以上學位
  3. 除任教科目外,須能教授義語相關課程。
  4. 具教學經驗者尤佳。


  1. 輔大兼任教職員履歷表
  2. 已具教學經驗者附學經歷證件影本及教育部教師資格證書影本;未具教學經驗者附學經歷證明影本及碩士班成績單乙份(國外學歷證明需先經駐外單位驗證)。
  3. 碩博士論文一式三份。
  4. 其他可供參考之論文(無則免附)。 
  5. 可教授之課程和綱要。
  6. 推薦信二封。
  7. 相關教學經驗證明(無者免繳)。
  8. 非義籍申請者,須證明其義語能力可全義語授課與進行、發表與相關義語研究。


  1. 信封上請貼上本校專用封面格式。(信封上請註明應徵專任教職)
  2. 意者請備其上列資料,初審合格者另行通知複試。如需退還審查文件,請附回郵信封

郵寄地址:「242 新北市新莊區中正路510號輔仁大學義大利文學系收」 
聯絡人:余秘書 2905-3760
E-mail: 061014@mail.fju.edu.tw


Department: Italian         Post:   (part-time)                                                    No of posts: 1

New Post__Replacement: __   Qualification:

Deadline: Until post is filled                     Commencement: 1st semester, 2015/9(September)

Area of Teaching: To be established upon taking up post


  1. Native or proficient competence in Italian and preferably competence in Mandarin Chinese
  2. Specialisation in Mandarin Chinese to Italian and/or Italian to Mandarin Chinese translation
  3. Specialisation in linguistics
  4. Specialisation in the teaching of Italian as a foreign language
  5. Expertise in Italian for special purposes (business, finance, tourism, design, etc.)
  6. Integrity and ethical standards in conformity with the ethos of Fu Jen University
  7. Previous teaching experience, dedication to teaching, and capacity to contribute innovatively to syllabus development
  8. Demonstrable cross-cultural awareness as well as excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
  9. Willingness to assist in the administrative work of the Department


  1. Please complete the form (Job Application). 
  2. For those who are already teaching in a Taiwanese university, please provide copies of degree certificate and of university teaching license. Those who have not previously taught in a Taiwanese university should provide copies of their Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD certificates (with grades), authenticated by the Taiwan representative office in your jurisdiction.
  3. Courses that you would like to teach (existing or new), with suggested syllabi
  4. Three copies of your thesis/theses and/or any books published in the last 5 years (1 copy if outside Taiwan), along with any published articles
  5. Copy of most recent work contract, if available
  6. Two letters of recommendation
  7. Any relevant teaching certificates
  8. Candidates will be subject to 2 phases of examination. Only those who have passed the first phase will be informed of their success. Non-native Italian candidates who are shortlisted will be assessed on their language ability. If you wish to have your documents returned to you, please include a self-addressed envelope.

Your application will not be considered if you fail to comply with all of the above requirements. Please send all documentation to Ms. Carolina Yu at 061014@mail.fju.edu.tw A signed application should be sent separately by mail to the Department of Italian, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Fu Jen Catholic University, 510 Chung Cheng Rd, Hsinchuang, Taipei County 24205, Taiwan (ROC)

job application form.doc